July 22, 2024

How to Proceed with Divorce When Your Spouse Cannot Be Found

Rule 44(1) of the Uniform Rules of Court states that documents requesting a divorce or marriage annulment must be personally delivered to the person it concerns […]
July 22, 2024

Wrongfully Arrested by the Police: How Much Money Can You Claim?

In South Africa, countless innocent people are wrongfully arrested, thrown into jail, and then subjected to degrading, inhumane, and dehumanising circumstances. What would be the legal […]
July 22, 2024

Five Residential Property Trends No One Saw Coming

Experts have already predicted the top property trends of 2024, ranging from the impact of looming interest rate cuts to co-buying, solar power financing, sectional title […]
July 22, 2024

What Will Happen If You Ignore a Court Order?

Ignoring a court order in South Africa is a serious matter that can lead to significant legal consequences, including being held in contempt of court. This […]
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